
Meredith & Josh get hitched!

I just had to share some of Meredith and Josh's images from their stylish David Hill Winery wedding last Saturday. I think this is the first time I've posted one of my Coughlin-Glaser Photography weddings, but it wont be the last! M & J are both creative types and they really made their wedding sparkle with great details and never too many flowers!
They had me shoot a roll of medium format film in my Holga, and my friend Zeyneb came along to help out, thanks Zey!
I thought it would be fun to "vintage-ize" some of their images... can you tell which are the true Holga shots? (hint: true black & white :)
see all of M&J's pics here

you must click to enlarge this last image, it was the last shot of the night, as we left the vineyard I set up the tripod for a 30 second exposure... yum!


j.dresselhaus said...

These are Gorgeous and Amazing! Love the starry sky over the tent and hills! You Rock!

Zeyneb said...

beautiful as always!!! it was lots of fun, hopefully next time i will be a little more "seasoned" =)