We celebrated the New Year in perhaps one of the most international cities in the world- Hong Kong! During the countdown I could here at least 4 different languages. Hong Kong is a city of life, beauty, and frenzy. The 5 days we spent here was a mix of old and new, old markets and temples, to tall tall buildings and fancy shopping centers. I really enjoyed the lush plantings that are growing out of every inch of soil that doesn't have concrete on it.

Looking back on 2009, seems like yesterday, we were gearing up to move to Japan. The year flew by, which is perhaps why I didn't do so well updating my blog this year! Not that I haven't been taking tons of pics and having many of wonderful experiences, the proof is in our shared blog
http://boltonsans.blogspot.com/ ...
Last year I set my New Year's resolution to take one photo every day and upload it on Flickr, well- I did it! and I was still going along until a few days after the New Year, I thought- wait- I completed the year! So I made a set of 2009 you can see here:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/morganpacebolton/This year (the year of being 30!) has some high callings. My top 3 Resolutions for 2010 are:
1. get my website where it should be, market the photography I love to do- so I can do more of it!
2. practice yoga more! more than say 3 times a week...(which I'm not even currently at!)
3. practice meditation
I think putting your intentions out there is really helpful. I'm also working on a list idea I got, "101 on 2010" putting out many intentions and wants, then perhaps in a few years you can check your list and see where you stand. I think my mom taught me to make lists :)
Anyways, may 2010 bring you all Love, Peace, and Happiness!