well, i am now officially married and honeymooned and less then a week away from being done with our wedding! i say that it the best way possible of course :) still we are headed to iowa for a second reception and jeff's family reunion this weekend.
i'll be posting some images from our wedding and honeymoon here of course, but might stick to using our wedding blog for the majority of our wedding stuff...
http://morganandjeff.wordpress.com/i am stoked to be so lucky this year and cant wait to get to work on other peoples weddings and other photography projects i have in mind this summer. stay tuned for those...
on another exciting front i finally purchased my first
Totally Rad Action set, i bought their brand new set- The Revenge and am loving all of it!
i played around with some of Jamie & Todd's wedding images and here are the results... still have lots to learn... let me know what you think?
before: these images are lovely as is, but the TRA2 really add that punch that conveys more emotion and interest to the shots, they stand alone and would make beautiful art!